It’s Late and Time to Send Your Smoking to Bed

But I don’t wanna go to bed!!!!

Overcoming the fear of, or reality of, withdrawal symptoms when you stop smoking is a major concern for people who quit. Here’s one way of dealing with it.

Thoughts and words drive a lot of our success in life. They are powerful and dictate our moods, energy, happiness and sense of worth.

If you’re not convinced just go through a day reminding yourself with self-speak of what an idiot you are and how you’ll never amount to anything.

There’s a good chance by the end of the day you’ll be depressed having done an excellent job of identifying all your warts, issues, and challenges.

Okay, maybe a bit extreme but you get my point.

Don’t Let the “Tantrum” Distract You From Doing What is Best for YOU:

Whenever you get the urge to smoke after you quit, think of it as your smoking having a tantrum – just like your kid’s reaction when you told them it was late and time for bed. If you don’t have kids then think back to all the tricks you played to stay up just a few minutes longer.

As a parent you knew what was going on with the tantrum and time wasting but remained resolute in sending your kid upstairs and to bed. You’d decided it was time for bed for your kid no matter what screaming, whining or pleading took place.

Think of your smoking just like your kid and the urge to smoke the same reaction as the tantrum and pleading just to stay up longer – or in this situation – just to have one more cigarette.

If you can relate to treating your withdrawal symptoms from smoking just like a kid who wants to get their way by manipulation then you’ll be able to deal with the situation each time until – like a kid – your smoking will go to bed and not bother you.

The Urges Will Eventual Go Away:

Eventually, the urge will go away and you won’t suffer any more “tantrums.”

How quickly this happens varies with people. Sometimes after a hypnosis session clients don’t feel any urges to smoke at all. Other times it’s just for a few days. And others it can persist for longer into a few weeks – but it will subside, and you just need to persist.

I don’t want to make light of a serious and real issue by linking it with kids and tantrums but sometimes explaining what is happening by putting it into a context to which most people can relate helps with coping with the situation.

I find this metaphor of kids and smoking powerful for many of my clients and hope it’ll help you get over those tough and real urges to smoke if you’ve just quit.

This is just one of the tools I use to help my clients in my Stop Smoking Hypnosis Programs.


Erika Slater, CH
Free At Last Hypnosis