A Look at Trendy Electronic Cigarettes – Are They Worthwhile?

Black electronic cigarette - but does it work?

Black electronic cigarette – does it work?


Electronic cigarettes have only been on the market for a few years but they’re getting plenty of attention as an alternative to patches and gum. But do they work?

E-Cigs – as they’re sometimes called – are a new trend in the quit smoking field. An Electronic cigarette is a cigarette alternative that looks and feels like a real cigarette.

However it contains only a small portion of nicotine and other chemicals found in larger quantities in real cigarettes.

E-Cigs are odorless and said to be safer and less pricey than their real counterparts. You smoke them like you would a regular cigarette. You get to enjoy the sensations you yearn for when you smoke but without many of the harmful health concerns. In other words, you still go through the motions of smoking you’ve come to enjoy as a steady habit in your life but the health risks are minimized.

Bear in mind while the health risks are reduced, they’re not completely eradicated.

There is no tobacco or tar in these trendy cigarettes but they do contain nicotine in varying quantities. You can buy E-Cigs in different measured dosages of nicotine.

The jury is still out on whether these products are a smart, or even worthwhile, way to give up a lifelong habit. The cigarettes have been called “safe” by at least one research study because they contain a small amount of carcinogens as compared to cigarettes; however they’re not as safe as methods such as hypnosis, or acupuncture, and of course “cold turkey” – all these require a zero level of nicotine intake to be effective.

The idea behind e-cigs is they’ll help you to wean yourself off cigarettes. The weaning process will be a slow but effective in the long-term. Whether or not you choose to try E-Cigs is something you must decide for yourself after carefully weighing other options. Look at the advantages and the disadvantages carefully.

To date not enough research has been conducted on E-Cigs to determine how effective they are over time and whether they can bring about permanent changes. It’s also worth noting  the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved them at present nor have they been certified or endorsed by the office of the Surgeon General as a beneficial method of quitting smoking.

Electronic cigarettes are manufactured in China and therefore are not regulated rigorously in the same manner products manufactured in the United States are managed.

Finally, if you’ve decided to stop smoking altogether and you’re interested in more information about Erika’s online or in-office sessions then check out her stop smoking hypnosis programs.

Becca Scott
Staff Writer
Free At Last Hypnosis