How to Make Exercising Fun and A Habit for Healthy Living

Many of us hate to exercise and getting started on a healthy exercise habit is overwhelming – well, here some simple tips to get you started.

More Habits that Affect Your Health and Being Smart How You Live

The ways in which we live and the things we do repeatedly can be very habit forming. But just as good habits can be adopted so can bad habits be done away with and replaced with good lifestyle habits. The way you live has a huge impact on your health and your well-being in general. Let us look at some more ways your habits affect your life.

Habits that Affect Your Health – Be Smart About How You Live!

If someone were to ask you the question, “Do my lifestyle habits affect my health?” would you know what to say to them? If your answer would be, “Yes, they do very much” then you’d be completely correct. Many of the major causes of death such as cancer, heart disease, lung disease, stroke and even some injuries can be prevented to a certain extent by how you choose to live your life. If you make healthy lifestyle choices over unhealthy ones then you’ll improve your chances of living longer and living healthier. In this two-part series we’ll take a closer look at this topic.

How to Design an Exercise Program to Suit your Goals

Regular physical activity is good for the bones, muscles and joints… and of course your heart and lungs – it also helps with weight control. Here’s tips.

Detox with Exercise After You Quit Smoking to Feel Better Quicker

Once you’ve given up smoking you’re ready for a healthier body and a healthier life. One of the ways to start cleaning house in your body is to detoxify it.

How to Cope with Any Holiday Once You Become a Non-Smoker

If you’ve just quit smoking and facing a holiday or vacation here’s some tips to make it through what can be an extremely stressful time.

Please Just Scrub My Brain Clean and Make Me Better!

We’ll all guilty of struggling with a bad habit or personal issue and just wanting to find somebody that’ll make it all better with no work required of us.

Strengthening the Heart and Lungs with Exercise

An inactive lifestyle is a top risk factor to developing heart disease – smoker’s run an even higher risk. Exercise is key to a strong heart.

First Steps on Exercising to Improve Your Lung Capacity

If you’re an ex-smoker then you know how difficult it can be to exercise after years cigarette smoking. But here’s some advice and a program to begin.

Little Known Side Effects of Smoking that Impact our Overall Wellness

Smoking can be responsible for a number of little known side effects that can impact our senses, how we look to others, and overall wellness.