Stop Smoking Using the Cold Turkey Method – What to Expect

Going cold turkey can be challenging!

Going cold turkey can be challenging!


I’m asked a lot about quitting smoking using cold turkey method – and far from dismissing it, it can work for a small fraction of folks and here’s my view.

Using the cold turkey method to give up smoking shows a determination that can be a great starting point for quitting.

By far the hardest of methods to stop smoking “cold turkey” has the highest failure rate. Depending on who you believe as regards studies out there it ranges from 80% – 98% of smokers using this method are smoking again within one-year of quitting.

The “cold turkey” method is quitting smoking all at once without seeking professional help or aids in any way. It’s about picking a quitting day.

And deciding as of that day you will never smoke again. This is a popular method for first-time quitters. There are definitely people who succeed at cold turkey. These people have strong determination and extraordinary will-power. Some have to suffer through difficult cravings and even temporary personality changes.

If you go on forums devoted to providing support for people wanting to quit you’ll find plenty who recommend it as the only method to quit. These people quit using the “cold turkey” method and believe it can work for everybody. The fact is this just can’t be true.

One of the biggest benefits I see in the “cold turkey” method is it requires no drugs or irritant aids. In a nutshell – it’s natural and safe.

But most smokers need help in quitting,  especially if they’ve been smoking for many years. There’s nothing wrong with needing help to quit smoking, it doesn’t make anybody look weak at all. For those who have tried and failed to stay away from cigarettes or need help in stopping then the most natural and safe alternative to “cold turkey” is hypnosis. Some argue hypnosis is really a form of “cold turkey” as it’s about picking a date – your hypnosis session – and then walking out from it and not smoking again.

So what should you expect when quitting cold turkey?

You need support to overcome the cravings and temptations the cravings will bring. Communicate openly with others that you’ll be quitting and mentally prepare yourself for the days when you could be tempted to succumb to a craving for a cigarette. You also need to make sure you don’t put yourself in smoking situations such as bars or circles of friends who smoke.  You are a non-smoker now and need to behave as non-smokers do.

Explain to close friends you may be irritable and potentially short-tempered. It should be a brief period and most people know people who quit cigarettes can be a “little testy” during the initial period. Chart your progress and buy a journal and jot down what is happening on a daily or weekly basis. This will help reaffirm your commitment to the new non-smoking lifestyle you’ve chosen.

Consider Introducing Hypnosis into Your Plan:

If you feel the cravings proving difficult or it lasts for longer than a few weeks then consider contacting a professional therapist skilled in hypnosis.

The subconscious mind remembers. It remembers all our secrets, hopes, dreams, goals, and habits.  The subconscious mind doesn’t distinguish between good and bad habits. It simply stores them all and ensures we continue to deploy them. That’s it’s job. So it may not be the addiction you’re fighting but the habit embossed in your mind.

Hypnosis on the other hand, can zero in on the habit of smoking and replace it with a positive habit that is empowering and helps you to stay in control of your life, as opposed to being under the control of a habit you know has you snared in a trap. It can help with cravings and erase the habit that can remain dormant in the subconscious mind for years waiting for a major trigger event.

Hypnosis is safe, effective and drug free. It’s the best choice to stop smoking but especially if you’ve tried other methods and been disappointed with the results. All you need to succeed is  relax, be calm and believe it’ll work for you.

If you’re looking to stop smoking by going “cold turkey” then go for it. If you feel you’d like to understand more how professional services can help then check out my Quit Smoking Hypnosis Programs  at my web site or call me at 508.269.0109 to discuss further.


Erika Slater, CH
Free At Last Hypnosis