Breaking the Relationship between Smoking and Alcohol

Drinking alcohol hinders quitting

Drinking alcohol hinders quitting


There’s nothing wrong with alcohol in moderation, especially around friends, but when you’ve quit smoking it can be a trigger to smoking again. Here’s advice.

You used to enjoy having a cigarette when you drank. You liked how putting the two together at once made you feel.  Having a cigarette when you had a drink was natural and you looked forward to it.

But when you have a drink now all you think about is also having a cigarette. But you’ve quit. The craving and temptation can be overwhelming.

Maybe just one will be okay? Stop!

Once you quit there is no such thing as smoking occasionally or infrequently and still being a non-smoker.  An addiction is an addiction whether you smoke a lot or a little.

Addiction can be Two Kinds:

Nicotine addiction is made up of two components – there is the physical addiction and there is the psychological addiction or dependence. While a physical addiction can be strong and very powerful, it can be broken quickly.  Once the body no longer senses the presence of nicotine the recovery from the physical addiction and the healing begins. The physical addiction can be overcome for most people in a few weeks – although it can be a difficult period for many, and their friends and family. But bottom line – it passes.

On the other hand, the psychological addiction is more entrenched in your brain and a great deal more intense. And it’s what trips most people up.

The reason for this is because smoking is a habit that has become entwined with your feeling, thoughts, and activities. It’s built into the fabric of your day-to-day existence. It’s become a part of your mind’s landscape. For you, smoking when you drank was enjoyable and they go together much like peanut butter and jelly or cake and ice cream.

Smoking became a part of the overall picture of fun, enjoyment, pleasure, socializing and good times.

Breaking the Link Between the Two:

Might as well admit – if you’re quitting smoking the n it will be a lot easier if you stayed away from alcohol as well during the initial few months.

It can take a great deal of effort, energy and determination to break the relationship between the two. You need to set your priorities and not allow yourself to be deterred from your smoke free path. You cannot take a night off from not smoking to drink with your friends, and think that you can get back on track the next day with no consequences at all.

Alcohol tends to lower your inhibitions. This means you’re more open to accepting a cigarette when you’re drinking. Substitute non-alcoholic drinks when you go out or simply don’t drink at all.

Social smoking is a fragment of the imagination and an excuse. Don’t fall into this lie. If you really want to stop smoking then stay away from alcohol until you feel strong enough and confident enough to enjoy a drink without a cigarette.

Finally, if you’re suffered a relapse back to smoking and you’re interested in more information about my own online or in-office sessions then check out my stop smoking hypnosis programs.

Erika Slater, CH
Free At Last Hypnosis