How long does it take to quit smoking?

Everybody wants to know if it’s instant

Often times, individuals thinking about quitting smoking will wonder, “How long does it take to quit?” In all honesty, this is a loaded question – here’s why.

No one can answer for sure how long because it depends on the individual, their age and circumstances. With that said, as soon as an individual decides to not light up again, they have actually quit.

It’s not how long it takes to quit, rather how long on average it takes to stay smoke free. This is the real question people need to ask others.

There are several variables which come into play when looking at time lines when it comes to quitting smoking. The most important components are; readiness to quit, willingness to change, and current perceived stress levels.

Readiness to Quit:

If and when an individual is truly ready to quit smoking, this is the strongest motivating factor—mind made up to quit! The willingness to want to quit smoking is very important but it has to come about from the smoker’s frame of mind. They can not be forced into quitting if they are not willing or ready to quit.

Threats, force and coercion do not work if the individual is not intrinsically motivated to quit. Something inside of them has to make them want to quit. Furthermore, they have to be eager and fired up about quitting. They need to want to do it for them self.

Change can only come from within. Their thought process has to be geared towards that of a non-smoker. You know you’re ready to quit smoking when you accept quitting as the only option! Bottom line: You don’t ask yourself, “What if I fail?” because then you’re setting yourself up for failure!

Willingness to Change:

The second major component to quitting is one’s willingness to change.

Change is an essential key to quitting and staying smoke free. Now as far as tangible time frames go, traditional research asserts it takes anywhere between 21-28 days to kick a bad habit.

If the individual is able to remain smoke free for the first three weeks, which at times will be difficult, then they’re on their way to becoming a non-smoker permanently. It’s just getting through the first 3 weeks which is the hardest part. After that, it’s all downhill in a good way. The longer one goes, it reinforces the fact they’re stronger than their habit, that they’re in control and most importantly, they’re a non-smoker!

What’s Your Stress Level Dial At?

The third major factor for time lines is perceived stress levels.

Perhaps the best time to quit smoking and ensure you stay smoke free is to do so when there is minimal stress in your life.

When someone is trying to quit smoking when there is a lot of turmoil and frustration around them, it will most likely lead back to smoking. Smoking is usually the crutch for stressful times. The last thing someone wants when they’re trying to quit smoking is more stress which leads them to smoke again! If there is less stress, then you’re more likely to succeed and make it to lasting three weeks smoke free.

What about people who quit for 9 months or one year and then started again? It happens and nothing to fret over. Usually, this happens after a major event and the person reaches back to an old habit for stress comfort. The reality is the habit was never broken or the individual really never successfully imagined themselves as a non-smoker.

When this happens I “sharpen my pencil” and we get straight back to work and figure out what happened before moving forward to determine what to change to make them smoke free for life.

Always remember that just because it took “X” amount of time to quit smoking for one person doesn’t mean it’ll take the same amount of time for you. People are different and their levels of motivation for change also differ.

When you quit smoking, you should measure success in terms of time, rather than your present experience as a non-smoker.

This topic is covered with a smoking cessation client during my intake process at all my quit smoking hypnosis programs.

Erika Slater, CH
Free At Last Hypnosis