The Most Popular Reasons to Say, I Quit! (Part One)

get out of smoking trap image

Breaking the habit can be hard

Smoking is not an easy habit to break but the smokers who persevere and quit for good usually have strong reasons.

These reasons vary from smoker to smoker, and in this two-part series I’ll share with you the most common reasons smokers come to my quit smoking hypnosis program .

If you notice yourself in this list there’s a good chance you’re ready to quit.

You know how difficult it can be to ride a bicycle up a hill? The hill seems more like a gigantic mountain the further up you go, and just when you think you’re climbing the final peak, another one comes in site.

For many people giving up smoking can feel the same.

The reason smoking can be like pedaling uphill is because it causes physiological changes in the body that cause it to function differently. These changes all come about as a result of the nicotine and habit that develops. The longer you have been smoking the greater these will be.

The smoking habit also develops out of the action of how you behaved in relation to your use of cigarettes. Most people start young as a form of acceptance. Heck, it’s certianly not because smoking tasted wonderful.You probably coughed and spluttered the first time you inhaled. But acceptance to your peers was more important and you kept at it.

Finally, you began to associate this behavior with other things in your life such as enjoying a cigarette with your coffee in the morning or smoking when you felt stressed. For some people smoking and socializing go hand in hand. For many the socializing includes drinking alcohol.

All of these things come together to build a habit in you. It is this habit that you now need to break, and is much more difficult to break than the nicotine addiction.

Get ready to start pedaling up that hill but rest assured that once you do the hard work you will be able to coast down the hill happier, healthier and with the need for cigarettes gone from your life!

Short-Term Reasons to Say – That’s It, I Quit!

There’s no time like the present to stop the smoking habit dead in its tracks. Some of the top short-term reasons include having stained teeth and constant bad breath, having a quickened heartbeat and elevated blood pressure, and having clothes that smell all the time (as well as your hair and skin). Many smokers come to me to stop for personal hygiene reasons.

Another reason is coughing and having a sore throat. Concern over the effect that second-hand smoke is having on your family members and friends is another excellent reason to call it quits. If you’re pregnant there’s always the concern on the effect you’ll have on your baby. Those who play sports or work out a lot want to stop smoking in order to improve their athletic ability and stamina.

Long-Term Reasons to Say- That’s It, I Quit!

The short-term reasons to quit smoking are important but there are also long-term reasons. These include the risk of lung cancer, other types of cancers (such as stomach or throat cancer) and heart disease is a significant reason to say, that’s enough! The risk of stomach ulcers and acid reflux are other reasons. The toxic chemicals in cigarette smoke cause serious breathing issues and premature aging of the skin (i.e. the appearance of wrinkles).

The potential for gum disease is also higher for those who smoke. If you have children then your children are more likely to smoke if you do. Smokers also tend to lose more time at work because sickness is more common to smokers than non-smokers.

Look for the next post in this mini-series, where I’ll cover how to prepare for quitting and the challenges you can expect and how to overcome them.


Erika Slater, CH
Free At Last Hypnosis