Why Will Hypnosis Work for Me When Nothing Else Has?

I have questions...

I have questions…


If you’re approaching hypnosis to stop smoking for the first time then one of the questions upper most on your mind is no doubt “why will hypnosis work for me when nothing else has?

This is a fair question and one I asked when I was trying to quit many years ago when I finally “found” hypnosis.

I’m glad you’re looking at hypnosis before you throw in the proverbial towel on quitting. The fact is you’re like many others who make a serious attempt at quitting without any support whatsoever.

Psychology Today reported back in 2004 that the success rate for those who attempt to kick the habit without any help is a dismal 2% to 5% after a 12 month period. It takes these people as many at 3 to 6 attempts before they’re successful (Sherman, 1994) – if at all.

As you know only too well it adds up to a tremendous amount of stress and frustration. If you’re serious about your desire to quit smoking then the simple fact is you need professional help and support in order to do so. Hypnosis can give you both.

Most smokers find their way to hypnosis as a last resort when if they had done it first they would have suffered so much less mental anguish. Hypnosis is a therapy that focuses on what is going on in the subconscious mind. Your smoking habit and your subconscious mind are bonded together. You’re caught in not just a web of needing nicotine but a lethal smoking trap.

A professionally trained hypnotist can help loosen and remove the ties that bind your subconscious mind to cigarettes. Once this association is broken, you’re set free. Other methods work to destroy the body’s yearning for cigarettes but do not tap into the reasons that underlie why you smoke in the first place – which usually translates into a return to the habit of smoking. However, hypnosis directly takes on the habit which makes the difference to you quitting for good.

It’s a common assumption that only some people have the ability to be hypnotized. In truth most people can be hypnotized. It’s important to make a distinction between the hypnosis  done for entertainment purposes and the hypnosis performed for therapeutic reasons. The two are not the same at all. Take all thoughts of a hypnosis show and push them out of your mind – in fact these shows play more to your ego than to your mind.

The likelihood that you’re unable to be hypnotized is very small. Have you ever absorbed yourself completely in a book, movie or television program and lost track of what was going on around you? If yes then this is a very simple form of hypnosis and you’ve already experienced the kind of hypnosis that can help you stop smoking, lose weight, and conquer your phobias!

One of the most significant factors in whether or not hypnosis can help you is how much you want to quit and the level of commitment you bring to your desire to become a non-smoker. Having the right mindset and wanting to quit for the right reasons – and your reasons not somebody else’s – is the major recipe for success. Having the drive is essential as is the determination to make it happen for yourself.

So you can see forget all those other attempts going “cold turkey” or using patches or gum , and commit yourself to become a non-smoker using hypnosis by tapping into all the resources you already have to get smoke-free but just didn’t know it.

Finally, if you’re ready to commit to stopping using hypnosis and interested in more information about my own online or in-office sessions then check out my quit smoking hypnosis programs.


Erika Slater, CH
Free At Last Hypnosis