Some More Quit Smoking Help for You Before and After You Stop

Read our tips for quitting

It takes work to be a quitter!

Sure some people just stop and never start again but for most preparation increases chances of quitting for good.

If you need some encouragement and inspiration to quit smoking and to continue to remain a quitter then here’s some helpful suggestions and tips for you.

These cover things you can do prior to quitting cigarettes and activities and lifestyle changes to make once you stop smoking.

Eating Healthy:

If you aren’t as healthy an eater as you could be then the time to start changing is before you give up smoking. Increase your intake of veggies and fruits. Eat more whole grains and drink plenty of water. Water flushes the chemicals out of your body at a swift rate and it also helps to reduce cravings.

If your doctor recommends that you need to take a multivitamin then do so but be aware that the nutrients required for optimum health are supposed to come from the foods you eat.

Start Exercising:

Following along the same lines as eating more nutritiously is to start exercising. Exercise takes you in the opposite direction from smoking. It’s a stress reliever, gets you into shape, is a method of detoxification and it helps your body to heal and begin to recover from the smoking habit.

Speak with your doctor about an exercise plan before you actually begin one. This is especially the case if you’ve other health issues and/or have been sedentary for many years. Whatever you do, start out slowly. You might want to start out with a 10 to 15 minute walk and then work up to working out (walking and more strenuous physical activities) for 20 to 30 minutes four to five times a week.

Vary the activities you do in order not to become bored and unmotivated. Exercising also helps increase capacity of large organs and you can read more about this at our post on how you can strengthen the heart and lungs with exercise here.

Pay closer attention to your breathing. Learn how to deep breathe. Deep breathing involves breathing from the diaphragm as opposed to from the chest. Breathe in deeply and hold it in before exhaling slowly. Do this every day for a few minutes. It can help calm your nerves, relieve stress and it is excellent for the body.

You might want to close your eyes when you do this in order to be able to concentrate even more on what you are doing.

Choose a Stop Smoking Method you Feel will Work for You:

Many people give cold turkey a try when they first decide to quit smoking. While this method does not have a high success rate it is a courageous attempt to put the habit to rest once and for all. If you succeed at this method then you should give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done!

To be successful at giving up smoking you must choose an effective quit smoking method. One of the most successful methods is hypnosis. Hypnosis is more successful than all the other methods because it gets to the heart of why you smoke and finds the weaknesses you harbor. Hypnosis is different because it taps into the subconscious where all of your drives and habits live.

Make Regular Visits to Your Dentist:

As a final tip, schedule a professional cleaning at the dentist office. Once you see how good your teeth look and feel you’ll want these teeth all of the time! Smile at yourself in the mirror and reveal your pearly whites. You’re going to want to keep them looking their absolute finest!

For more information about Erika’s one-session quit smoking hypnosis program go here.


Becca Scott
Staff Writer
Free At Last Hypnosis