The Fork in the Road – Which Path Will You Take?

Every time you smoke a cigarette you’re making a decision similar to following a forest path and reaching a fork in the road – which path to take?

Strengthening the Heart and Lungs with Exercise

An inactive lifestyle is a top risk factor to developing heart disease – smoker’s run an even higher risk. Exercise is key to a strong heart.

First Steps on Exercising to Improve Your Lung Capacity

If you’re an ex-smoker then you know how difficult it can be to exercise after years cigarette smoking. But here’s some advice and a program to begin.

Getting Unstuck with Powerful NLP Reframing

NLP Reframing is a technique used by therapists to help clients overcome negative thoughts that could impede progress towards a desired outcome.

Little Known Side Effects of Smoking that Impact our Overall Wellness

Smoking can be responsible for a number of little known side effects that can impact our senses, how we look to others, and overall wellness.

A Look at Trendy Electronic Cigarettes – Are They Worthwhile?

Electronic cigarettes have only been on the market for a couple of years but they’re getting plenty of attention as an alternative to patches and gum. But do they work?

Why New Year can be the Worst Time to Make Changes in Your Life

It’s a new decade, the holidays are over, and you want to make big changes in your life. But before you do – wait a minute. This may not be the best time.